Ferris Athletic Center addition underway

By Mary Howard
Architectural Renderings Courtesy of Perkins Eastman

去年12月,乔治. Ferris Athletic Center. Fundraising continues, 其主要目标是为维护新的健康和娱乐中心获得捐赠资金, fitness programs, and Trinity’s athletics teams.

Rendering of the new Wellness and Recreation Center

体育主任兼体育教育主席德鲁·加尔布雷斯说,重新设计的37,扩建的面积为5000平方英尺,现有空间经过改进,旨在为所有学生提供服务. “Every student should feel at home here,” Galbraith says. “We went into the planning process determined to provide all 全球十大网赌正规平台的学生——运动员和非运动员——都有一流的健身空间, take spin or Zumba classes, and participate in a full range of wellness activities.”

With fitness for all students a priority, 该项目还将支持三一加课程的健康要求, which was instituted with the 2021 matriculating class. 它要求所有学生在头两年完成两次健康体验. 这些经历旨在促进积极的心理习惯的建立, physical, and spiritual health, says Leo Schuchert, 学术和体验咨询中心副主任. “我们的想法是,早期参与将使学生在全球十大网赌正规平台的四年及以后的时间里保持对健康的长期承诺,” says Schuchert. “The larger, (在费里斯)更多吸引人的空间将增加客流量,并激发人们对(体育中心)提供的健康机会的兴趣.”

Room to grow

尽管体育中心自1968年首次开放以来进行了小规模的升级(计划中的翻新将在2020年冬季出版的《全球十大网赌正规平台》上报道) The Trinity Reporter 由于COVID-19大流行的爆发而暂停),这一增加将是最重要的. “The new student fitness center will be 2,100 square feet larger than the one we have now, 新的娱乐体育馆将为篮球和排球提供20%的空间,” says Galbraith.

In addition to the multipurpose recreational gym, 计划对一楼进行改进,包括为学生提供聚会空间, studios for yoga and spin-cycling classes, a student fitness center with space for cardio workouts, and a free-weight room.

二楼将包括教练办公室、电影评论室和团队聚会空间. Construction is estimated to take about 18 months, and during that time, 训练和比赛将继续在目前的中心进行,几乎没有中断, says Galbraith.

Focus on fitness

Additional rendering of the exterior of Ferris

Since joining the faculty in 2011, 体育副教授和女子曲棍球头教练凯蒂·赛兹曼斯基M ' 11说,她已经看到了她的学生运动员对健康的态度的变化, with an expectation to train all year long. “It’s what they did in high school,” she says, adding, “与10年前相比,所有学生都更加关注健身.” Due to the current lack of space and scheduling issues, though, some students drive off campus to take fitness classes, such as yoga, she says. However, with better facilities and opportunities, she expects more students will stay at Ferris “to work out, but also to hang out.”

Syzmanski说,一个新的和改进的摩天大楼也将有助于招聘. “We can say, 来到全球十大网赌正规平台,积极参与校队的体育运动, intramurals, community service, or research.’ ”

Excellence in squash

新增的核心部分将是三一壁球的新家. Moustafa Hamada ’15, Paul D. 体育助理教练,男子壁球教练, 七个新的壁球场就在新的中心大厅旁边,你高兴吗. “It feels like a privilege,” he says. “这将是人们进入大楼后看到的第一件事.”

他是传奇教练保罗·阿萨亚特手下男队的明星球员, 滨田参加的比赛为阿萨亚特史无前例的252连胜做出了贡献. 2023年6月,滨田追随他的导师的脚步,成为了班塔姆队的主教练.

Additional rendering of the interior of Ferris

“The sport is so popular at Trinity. 不仅仅是运动员在玩,其他学生、教授和社区成员也在玩。. 新球场还将为球队的众多球迷提供更好的观赛机会. 目前位于摩天大楼三楼的壁球中心将被翻新,为国会壁球提供一个永久的家园, a nonprofit that seeks to empower Hartford youth.

A campus hub

Like Syzmanski, 滨田说,他也渴望看到体育中心成为学生们见面“只是闲逛”的地方.” Galbraith agrees. “These changes will provide a healthy, 为所有学生提供无物质的社交空间,同时为校园的这一部分创造一个欢迎的锚,” he says. “Whether they work out lightly or seriously, we want all students to know that this is their space; they belong here.”

有关All In活动的更多信息,以及如何帮助三一体育和其他筹款重点, please contact Shannon Malloy Rhatican M’13, director of leadership giving, at 860-297-4232 or [email protected].

See photos of the Ferris renovation via a campus webcam here.

‘Striving for excellence’

Together, Peter Duncan ’81, P’13, ’14 and Elissa Raether Kovas ’93, P ' 25主持了All In运动的体育和健康部分. “彼得和埃莉萨100%致力于为我们的学生提供服务, ensuring that they have the best possible experience,” says Director of Athletics Drew Galbraith. “他们为我们的每一位学生树立了一种重要的行为模式:追求卓越作为一种生活方式.”


To Trinity’s benefit, 邓肯利用他对班塔姆竞技的热情和他在商业房地产方面的专业知识. 他作为受托人和新健康和娱乐中心设计委员会的成员发挥了关键作用, 利用他深厚的知识来帮助建造一座对全球十大网赌正规平台的每一位学生都具有变革意义的建筑, athletes and nonathletes alike.

科瓦斯已经证明,她对壁球运动的热情只有她对三一体育运动的投入才能与之媲美. In addition to her service as a trustee, Kovas is a volunteer leader with MetroSquash, a Chicago-based urban youth squash and academic program. As fundraising efforts for the


Trinity facility were somewhat upended by the global pandemic, 科瓦斯号召校友们坚持他们的决心,要看到一个反映我们学生质量的新中心,并为国会壁球提供空间, Hartford’s youth squash program.

With construction of the new facility underway, 邓肯和科瓦斯专注于筹集资金,以进一步资助健康和体育项目. 加尔布雷斯强调了这一阶段倡议的重要性, noting, “Endowed support for our teams, programs, and facilities will be transformational. 为班塔姆体育提供健康的捐赠将直接转化为我们学生更好的体验, 无论是团队运动员还是致力于健身和娱乐的学生.”