The Mailroom is located on the lower level of Mather Hall. 邮政处为市民提供高效率的处理和分发普通邮件和校园邮件和包裹的服务,并销售邮票和运输包裹. 收发室负责维护学院的邮政许可证和美国邮政服务(USPS)的计量邮件。.

Hours of Operation

Service Academic Year Summer
Package Pickup  Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sat.: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Fri.: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Service Window* Mon.-Fri.: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Fri.: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

*服务窗口提供邮票和包裹递送服务. Acceptable payment is Bantam Bucks, cash, or check.

Addressing of Mail and Packages

Current Student
Incoming mail
Recipient Full Name
Trinity College
Box #70 – (DO NOT use P.O. Box)
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106-3100
College Department
Incoming mail
Recipient Full Name
Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford, CT 06106-3100
Inter-campus mail
Recipient Full Name
Box 70 – (DO NOT use P.O. Box)
Inter-campus mail
Recipient Full Name
Department and Campus Building

学生信箱号码和学生的全名一样重要. 缺少盒子号码(70 -)将意味着您的邮件将被延迟投递. 如果在寻址邮件中存在错误(例如仅使用昵称或名字), the mail will be undeliverable and returned to sender. 新月街不是一个可以用来送货的地址. 住在新月街联排别墅的学生仍然必须使用指定的校园信箱号码,并在邮件收发室领取包裹.

员工的全名与部门和校园建筑一样重要. 缺少部门和/或校园大楼将意味着你的邮件将被延迟投递.

邮件分类为认证、保险、挂号、快递或隔日邮件在邮件室存放. 收信人须在收信人送交邮件时签署.

Student Mailboxes
学生信箱号码由收发室分配给所有新生,在学生与全球十大网赌正规平台的交往期间将保持不变.  For security and confidentiality purposes, 指定的盒子组合不应与任何人共享.

2027届的学生通过他们的@trincoll收到了带有combo的学生盒子作业.edu on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.  箱子的编号也被张贴在学生的入门门户网站上.

Due to lack of storage, 我们建议在学期开始前不超过两周发送包裹.

Students should pick up mail daily. 寄信放置在盒子里超过10天,将在注册办公室接受学生身份检查. The mail will be banded together and placed above the box. 在十天(共20天)结束时,邮件将被退回给发件人.

To ensure a safe and prompt delivery to Trinity, please request all exceptionally important mail, such as credit cards, checks, or transportation tickets (plane, train, airplane), 建议用挂号信或特快专递寄给您. Do not send cash in the mail.

During the summer and upon graduation, unless otherwise directed, 您的学生一级邮件将被转发到PeopleSoft列出的您的首选地址. 在寒假和春假期间,邮件将不会被转发,但会保存在您的校园信箱中. If you are away from Trinity for study away programs, prolonged illness, or any other reasons, 你有责任以书面形式告知我们在你不在时将邮件转寄到哪里. 邮件在任何情况下都不能转寄到国际地址.

院系或学生团体可能会要求在学生的盒子里塞满宣传传单或小册子. Please contact [email protected] to schedule a time slot.

Student Package Pick up
到达校园的包裹在Mather Hall低层的收发室举行. 当包裹到达时,可能会有两天的延迟,特别是在每个学期开始的时候. If you need to get something quickly, 建议邮寄隔夜邮件(任何服务),因为这些包裹可以更快地分类.

一旦包裹被处理,学生就会收到电子邮件通知. 学生在两天后收到无人认领包裹的第二封电子邮件通知. Packages must be picked up 10 days after the second notice, 如果不这样做,将导致包裹被退回给发件人. Students must have their Trinity College ID, when picking up a package at Mailroom, without a Trinity ID, the package will not be relinquished. 不要让学生员工在没有三一学生证的情况下领取包裹. 这是对安全的破坏,会危及学生的工作. 如果邮件收发室无法识别包裹的收件人, 它将在连续五个工作日后退还给发件人.

Note: Amazon has lockers (Hub Locker – Pulley, 300 Summit St.) accessible 24 hours a day on campus. The lockers are 位于托泽门(马瑟圈)的左侧,面对马瑟大厅的大门.

Department Mail and Packages
收到的邮件和校内邮件每天派送/取件一次. 收发室的员工大约在上午10点下班去送信.m. Packages are delivered during the afternoon. During these morning delivery, 所有外发和校内邮件都将被收回收发室处理. To ensure a timely processing of mail, 请按照以下指引准备寄出的邮件以便取件:

  • Separate on-campus mail from outgoing mail
  • Separate mail with stamps and mail that requires no postage
  • Separate mail with special services (ex. certified, Priority, Overnight etc.) – come to the window or request on the mail slip?
  • 发出的邮件应该有一个回信地址和你的部门名称
  • 需要收费(邮资)的邮件须按下列方式分开邮寄:
    • Domestic Mail (mailed in the U.S.)
    • International Mail
    • Letters
    • Flats

Use of Postal Permit and Metered Mail
收发室负责维护学院的邮政许可证和美国邮政服务(USPS)的计量邮件。. 本署邮政许可证及邮费按月送交会计处.

Please email [email protected] 至少在预计邮寄日期前两周,将您的大额邮件的详细信息寄给我们,以确保我们的邮政账户中有足够的资金来支付由美国邮政处理的邮件.  For mailings using the metered mail on campus, 邮件收发室的工作人员会检查你的邮件,以确定每件邮件的费用,以确保有必要的邮资,以及邮件是否需要邮寄标签.

The Mail Room is not a contract station operated by the U.但是,邮局必须遵守美国邮政总局的许多规定.S. Postal Service when processing our mail.



Mailroom Mather Hall, lower level

Academic Year: Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Summer: Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.